Eric Hamber is celebrating its rich athletic history with a week of alumni tournaments in various sports for all former students from May 13th to May 16th. Dust off your Converse high-tops, dig your badminton raquet out of the garage and pull your vintage school clothing off the shelf to participate in some fun activities at your old High School.
Eric Hamber Gymnasium is dedicated to Nora McDermott and Bruce Ashdown who is coming to support these coaches and teachers on Friday. Please register for Friday on this website to get invovled with the Hamber 50th Event.
The alumni athletics week will wrap-up with adult refreshments in the cafeteria on May 17th. Join Eric Hamber's former and current teachers, staff, and students as they reminisce about the golden years of Hamber Athletics.
Monday, May 13 | Badminton Please contact for more details. |
Tuesday, May 14 | UltimatePlease contact for more details. |
  Wednesday, May 15 | Basketball Griffins, It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all back to Griffin Country for the 50th Anniversary Alumni Basketball Tournament Wednesday May 15th. Attached is the tournament schedule. Please read over the attached schedule and information. Please click here to download the schdeule. Team Captains: Pleas forward the schedule to all of your teammates. You are responsible for making sure they arrive to your games. This was not forwarded on to all participants. Pleas inform your fellow teammates and grads. Each player should bring a dark and light shirt . We encourage you bring your old retro-gear (If it still fits). Clothing: We will have some clothing for sale. Bring some cash if you are interested in picking up some retro Hamber SWAG. MAY 5th is the final deadline for registration for the alumni basketball event. Please contact for more details. |
Thursday, May 16 | Volleyball Please contact for more details. |